新品2014--徠卡Leica DM2700P偏光顯微鏡
新品2014--徠卡Leica DM2700P偏光顯微鏡
Upright Polarization Microscope with LED Illumination Leica DM2700 P
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This polarization microscope combines high-quality Leica optics with state-of-the-art universal white light LED illumination for incident and transmitted light applications.
Because of its flexibility, the Leica DM2700 P meets the needs of both basic to advanced examinations where high-quality polarization equipment is required.
By the wide range of accessories it is the ideal inspection tool for all kinds of routine inspection tasks in earth science, plastic and polymer industry, liquid crystal inspections and further more.
The versatile instrument options not only fulfill many application requirements, but also the budget.
Have a closer look at our product advantages!
Your Advantages
Five-position Centerable NosepieceThe Leica DM2700 P offers, unique for this class of microscope, a five-position centerable nosepiece. The microscope can be equipped with different objectives for specific tasks. | Strain Free Objectives Designed for Your ApplicationFor reliable investigations of birefringence materials, Leica Microsystems offers a wide range of polarization objectives. Select from a variety of objectives designed for qualitative and quantitative polarization. |
Flexible ConoscopyChoose a conoscopy module that adapts to your application and budget: | LED IlluminationUltra-bright, high-power LED illumination provides a constant color temperature of 4500º K for incident and transmitted light illumination methods. It offers real color imaging at all intensity levels without the need of additional filters. With a long lifetime and low power consumption, LEDs have enormous savings potential |
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